omg i just can't believe that i've managed to make my very 1st animation!! my dolphin is swimming! v(^0^)v
still got to improve on it.. although it only lasted 3 seconds but i'm damn happy already. i've made my own animation oh yes! *grin* yuan lai study MIT oso can do DMD de stuff de.. and i tot i won't have any chance to do animations le. i'm so happy ~.~
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
went to the pool last weekend. was totally burned on saturday cuz we were too stupid to swim at noon time (10.30++ to 2pm). i now looked like a roasted pig anyway ^(oo)^ i didn't actually swam on saturday cuz i can't remember when i last swam -.- i got my basic cert when i was in primary 4 then. and i didn't swim from then onwards =X becuz i'm not a good swimmer. i hate to come out and breath cuz i will sure drink water =D
as both of us (went with shimin) were sun burned, we went again on sunday to *cool down* in the water but it seems not much use anyway. i swam on sunday! was damn scared at first but i got used to it after awhile.. she taught me how to swim frog style heh heh.. yuan lai wo hai ji de zen me you~~~
swimming is good cuz no sweat =p looking forward to thursday for another swimming session hoho.
Monday, April 24, 2006
the stupid video wahaha! taken using the web cam =D dunno wats happening to the video.. the sound seems very off haha..
Thursday, April 20, 2006

meaningless.. -.-"

acting retarded.

Me : peng!

Li Yue : WO NIE~~~

TCM : WO AN~~~
**ps : we saw this couple at the stairway.. the guy poking the girl's face in this manner. SO, we decided to act haha!**

a bit er xin lah.. me like extra LOL

finally we took a normal photo =X
Thursday, April 20, 2006
stripper : unknown ang moh
director : female lecturer
camera man : clement

female lecturer : woah not bad huh batok muscle quite tough leh ^^

female lecturer : squeeze sqeeze poke poke..
*turn 180 degree*

clement : shoulder oso not bad =X

clement : !!!!!! *looking downwards*

*the shooting begins*

our "cool" camera man out there!

me : "... ... ..."
Thursday, April 20, 2006
scene : her birthday celebration at home
year : 2006 (yesterday)
off at 6pm.. went to causeway point to buy that $10 eeyore for her. (choose eeyore cuz i like eeyore =D dunno wat to get for her) reached home at 9pm wrap it and took a bath. waited till 10.40pm no 1 came back so went to sleep. (parents say celebrate tonight -.- she knock off at 10.30pm)
11pm sis came back. make loud noises.
sis : (loud) ehh how come they not home yet?
me : how i noe ar dun disturb me lah i wanna sleep.
she went to take a bath
sis : (loud!) hello? where r u all?? huh.. u say celebrate tonight de leh faster come back lahh!!
me : KNS! *back to sleep*
11.45pm parents came back, of cuz making loud noises!
dad : she sleep le leh..
mum : she say come back le wake her up.
me : *WTF CAN'T EVEN SLEEP PROPERLY* saw the time... wakao 11.45??!! so late ar dunno who say celebrate tonight still so late come home!
dad : we go friend de relative's funeral!
me : !!!!!! *tmd go funeral still go so late expect me to wait ar!!*
dad : happy birthday to u.. happy birthday to u.. ... ... (singing)
me : *restless.. clap clap clap..*
sis : blow~ yeahh cut cake!
me : i tml den eat go sleep le bye!
... ... ... ... ... (-_-)
conclusion : feeling very sleepy now! weird family instead. kept making noise when i sleep. when parents are sleeping and we make little noise they wil @#$%^& wth loh haizz.. sad life man! sis didn't even say thank u to me! still say "aiya she sure take ur (dad) money and buy de lah.." !!!!!!!!!! TMD *ANGRY*
solution : heck care lah.. haiz. move out and live alone next time. privacy.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
scene : chinese new year family gathering
year : 2006 jan/feb
relative : hello happy new year~ wahh ur daughter v big liao hor? how old le? (give ang pow to us)
parents : happy new year! aiya.. dun need give the big 1 lah.. she 21 liao leh..
me : *shock* o.O
conclusion : my parents like to make me sounds 2 years older! why? cuz the count our age by chinese calender. in fact i just past my 19th birthday not long ago (dec 29 2005).
solution : no solution yet. this happened for 19++ years already. i can't stop them *bengz*
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
today really sucks. parents pms again! wtf tell us to be prepared by 11.30am so normal ppl will wake up at 10.30 ++ right?? both of them siao de wake us up at 9.30am still shout here shout there knn! really damn irritating dunno wake up so early for wat waste time go geylang eat breakfast some more. if i noe earlier sure sleep till 10.30 and go bedok myself!!!
anyway they pms whole day jiu dui le. my sis say talk to them each time will "duan3 ming4 shi2 nian2" (life shorten by 10 years) THAT'S SO TRUE!!
anyway all of them going for work soon.. that means my paradise will come in the most 1.5 hr time YEAH~
dunno wat my parents are thinking de leh. they won't listen properly to us when we talk to them. and my mother, ppl ask her question she will answer with a question. for eg "ehh u wan to go home and bath 1st or go to work straight?" "erm.. u if u want to go home bath 1st den go home loh.." m(_ _)m *knock on the wall* what the hell man! really can puke blood i tell u.
i dunno lah.. they sucks jiu dui le. ppl will like the whole family to be together but i'm different. i like to be alone at home cuz i dun like them. i'm "xian4 shi2". if they treat me like shit i will heck care. meaning no money = take. cuz the way they say and do will always be very contrasting. when i work they will say me work so little always grumble go learn with your sis. wat the hell loh dun compare me to her. WE ARE DIFFERENT! anyway i noe they dote her more. but i'm not jealous cuz mummy's gal won't grow up! when i dun work they will say me lazy WTFFF!!
yah.. that's me. evil?
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Johnny's Allstars - andalucia ni akogarete
Johnny's Allstars - andalucia ni akogarete
i love this song ^^ *~Three Dances~* as opening haha.. 2nd piece i learnt from guitar club =D but that mi mi yan guy from Tokio pro leh!! walao i can only play melody part lol and my tempo is 2x slower den his haha.. =X i can't play so fast finger sure dio stucked in between the strings =S
Thursday, April 13, 2006
today is full of sai gang! kanna sai gang again. this time more worse 8.45am to 5.45pm.. 9HRS FULL OF SAI GANG WHAT THE HELL!! TMD F*CK OFF RICKY HO!!
anyway we went to re-arange the PC cables again. N508A & N508B. for those who dunno, 508A can contain 2 classes and 508B can contain 1 class so total of at least 60 PCs!! (20 students per class x 3)
so ya.. we pulled cables here and there locked here locked there unlocked again & redo cuz did wrongly etc etc.. we finished the majority at around 5pm.. took a break and had a small chat with the lecturers for awhile and went back to finish up, checking every PCs to make sure they works.
by the way, weird stuff happened today. i mean "WEIRD" (eerie, supernatural, whatever you call that) YES THAT'S IT!
anyway we were turning off the PCs at 508A and everything was fine. so we went back to 508B which is only beside 508A (partition of the 2 labs = some waredrobes) 4 of us didn't see anyone came in. n if they did we will know cuz sure can see or hear.
after checking 508B, we went back to 508A to do our final checkings and mr. koo kee chai (dunno spell correctly or not) our dmd pms elearning lecturer found a table being messed up. cables were pulled out, even the locks came off for nothing! and we didn't hear any sound at all. NO 1 HOLDS THE KEY EXCEPT KOO KEE CHAI! ya.. and we don't believe got ppl so boliao go unlock them..
so we tidied up the place and went off. 3 of them felt eerie but i only felt quite angry and started saying (scolding?) "who so bo liao eat finish nth to do go mess up the cables!" haha me so "dunno die" =X anyway we thought of different circumstances but i still think its impossible for anyone to unlock the lock. if so oso meaningless wat. who will so boliao go mess up the cables?? and so i believe yhat 80% is our "friend" who did it. i didn't felt scared at the time at all but i felt very angry instead haha.. and i said smth like "please don't disturb us. we are doing our job and we don't have the time to play tricks with you or whatever you are. please don't be so bo liao!" in my heart.. think i oso said "stay away from us!" or "go away!" or "and don't make us sick cuz i scolded u!" etc etc. heard ppl usually gets sick after all these..
i checked around the lab to see whether got some more cables being messed up again or not but no leh haha. i told myself that if i see 1 more table bein messed up, i will 100% shout out loudly in the lab and scold the whatever thingy =D CUZ I THINK THIS IS NOT FUNNY OR SCARY AT ALL. I'M ANGRY! anyway nth happened after that hehe ^^
kept thinking about that incident on my way home.. felt quite eerie actually. and i think i think too much liao. scare myself by my hp's vibration some more haha. anyway i said some prayers when i felt scared and i'm playing some prayers (dunno wat that thing call.. those nian4 jing1 thingy) on my window media player now lah haha. good for us (human) and them ("friends") 1 stone kill 2 birds =X anyway i promised mummy to play it at home when i'm free so i'm doing it now =p
think i sound like lao ah mah le leh haizz.. believe in those prayers and even playing them haha. good luck to me!
Thursday, April 13, 2006
webcam + photoshop
a series of photographs of me, chu may and kuan yi taken using the webcam haha.. ku zhong zuo le =X

my big cookie face! (da4 bing2 lian3)

photoshop edited =p our skin looks so smooth haha

blotted faces ^00^

kuan yi with clement without head.

"heehee.." -.-

black & white =.= he say b/w nicer
actually we took a total of 21 photos lah but lazy to edit so never post up here ^^
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
chinese garden + marina square
went chinese garden for the job briefing today. met up brigton at the mrt station at 10.30am. super early & me & monty were so tired -.-
after that we walked all the way to chinese garden's CARPARK! the weather was super hot and humid. boss sam came not long after we reached the carpark.. he looks super ah beng i tell u. his face looks damn "kiam4 pa3". typical uncle beng type. and some more he looks so familar but he told us he dun think we had met each other before haha.
so brigton & sam started to do e long briefing under the sun outside e entrance.. and we were all melting.
finally we started our journey. walked around the garden and we were joking with the ah beng boss. he said that i looked like 17 18 years old!!!!! :(
anyway after we crossed the bridge, then it started to get windy.. and we ended up in the situation below -.-"
* TA DANG!! *

we were all hiding away from the rain at the shelter? dunno wat that particular building call.. anyway, this is the view where sam dissappear with my PINK umbrella. he went to ask the security whether he can drive his car in or not.
then we waited and waited.. the rain was real big & the wind was so strong with THUNDER!!!

180 degree turn from the above pic & u ll get this view
FINALLY!! *refering to below*

all of us saw the light of hope!* blink blink * our dear ah beng boss is back with colourful umbrellas! & for ur info, the umbrella r all kids size =X
yeah.. so i shared 1 with monty. and u noe wat? MY SLIPPERS DE STRAP CAME LOOSE AGAIN and i can't even walk properly so i took it off and walked with my bare foot in the rain stepping on those black tar road.. & i was telling monty tat i'm scared of my slippers to spoil again in this heavy rain & it really came off WTF!! & we were all wet until can squeeze out the ran water from our clothings so suay..
i bought a new pair of slippers and went straight down to marina square to search for the skin food outlet. went for our lunch at LJS and we walked up and down but we still can't find the outlet..
i took this at some where..

the amazing weird stuff for our eye relaxation beside the escalator.
and this.. the doraemon family in the display window outside action city.

bought this bag at $5 (usual price $22.95) at mini toons sale. 40% store wide and the bags are 3 for $15. monty took 2. 7th april to 9th april (tml) .
bought nothing from the skin food. walao e outlet is at some really kuku corner of the shopping centre & it's damn small.. just went there to check out the pricings.. saw some diet lip balms haha :D it says something like the scent of the lip balm will control your appitite haha. weird stuff.
i finally found a restaurant that sells japanese deserts ^^ located at 1st level of marina square and will sure vist the restaurant when i get my 1st pay! please wait for me dun close down before i go~ *touch wood*

looks oishii desho?? ahh.. anmitsu WAIT FOR ME!!
Anmitsu is a traditional Japanese dessert loved throughout history. It is made of small cubes of white translucent jelly made from seaweed. Anmitsu is usually served in a bowl with sweet bean paste or "anko" (the "an" part of " anmitsu"), boiled beans, and variety of fruits. The anmitsu usually comes with a small pot of sweet black syrup, or "mitsu" (the "mitsu" part of "anmitsu") which one pours onto the jelly before eating. There are some variations of this dessert. This is "Cream Anmitsu" (you can see the picture) which is anmitsu with ice cream on top.
this is what i longed for!! and i was still dreaming about anmitsu the night beforre hahaha. and i found it! and this monty wanted to eat the japanese ice kachang -.-" something like the pictures below:

* low class japanese ice kachang *

* high class japanese ice kachang *

* singapore ice kachang *
not much difference from local ice kachang haha. the 1 on the display window of the restaurant really looks like singapore de ice kachang lah (between the lower and higher class of japanese ice kachang). looks more high class and 1 colour not like singapore multi-colour that's the difference haha. anmitsu looks more oishii for me =D
Saturday, April 08, 2006
some pictures from

Friday, April 07, 2006
Thumb Drives??
japanese thumb drives. creative !

*i love this one*

Thursday, April 06, 2006